Trishen S. Gunaratnam


I am a mathematician working in probability theory and mathematical physics. I am interested in the critical phenomena of percolation and spin models. 

I have been a postdoc at the Université de Genève advised by Hugo Duminil-Copin and Antti Knowles since Fall 2020.

From 2018-2020 I did my PhD in stochastic partial differential equations, where I was part of the group at Imperial College London. My advisers were Hendrik Weber (then University of Bath, now at the University of Munster) and Ajay Chandra (Imperial College London).

I grew up in north London. I am of Mauritian and South Indian origins.

Together with Romain Panis and Alexis Prévost, I organise the Geneva math physics seminar.

Trishen Gunaratnam




Section de Mathématiques

7-9 Rue du Conseil-Général

1205 Genève
